Bug(s) in the BLOG outputs

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Bug(s) in the BLOG outputs

Post by bekateen »

Hi Jools,

Sorry to trouble you with something trivial like this, but I noticed one bug, and an odd behavior, in the BLOGs today when I was updating my information. I thought you might wish to add these to your infinitely long "If-I-had-all-the-time-in-the-world" to-do list ( :d).

First, the definite bug: In the data entry fields, there is a place to provide the approximate age of the fish involved in the spawning. This field is located between the sizes of the adults and the source for the fish. If you leave the age field blank, there is no problem. The display seen by any other member will show the sizes of the fish and their source. (see attached photo of my BLOG). However, if you provide an approximate age for the fish, the output does not display this for the viewer. Instead, all it manages to do is display a lonely lower-case letter "s" in between the size of the fish and the source of the fish (see attached photo of my BLOG).

Second, as I edited my BLOG data for the bristlenose, I noticed a curious change which may or may not be a bug, but I definitely didn't understand it or why it occurred: It started when I realized that the foods listed for my ABN BLOG were not accurate; I had incorrectly included a food (fish flake food) which in fact I never fed these fish in real life after moving them to a species tank (I presume that I accidentally added that as a choice, or that it was a residual from when the ABNs were in a community tank). So today I deleted it from the BLOG. Here's the quirky behavior: When I deleted this one food item from my BLOG, my BLOG "points" went up by a value 1. Why would that be? I took away info, I didn't add any. Shouldn't the points have stayed the same (since other foods were already included) or gone down (since info was removed)?

Perhaps this is the way the points are supposed to work; I don't fully understand them. But if they aren't supposed to work that way, I thought you might like to know.

Thanks for your tolerance. :d

Cheers, Eric

EDIT: P.S., Now that I think about it, the age bug explains why I didn't include any "Youngest age at spawning" data in my suggestion for a summary report of BLOG data for species with multiple BLOGS (http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... 37&t=42383): Because the age data wasn't visible for me to graph it.

P.P.S., I understand some members' concerns that the BLOG points may be viewed as a kind of competition between members trying to outdo one-another in terms of their husbandry prowess. But from my perspective, the BLOG points tell me as a reader which reports will have more complete info, and I tend to read those first to get the maximum amount of help. And I appreciate that. Given that I am a relative novice a catfish spawning, I really value the BLOGS provided by others before me, and I am grateful to be able to share my experiences, too, for those who will come after.
Panaqolus maccus BLOG
Panaqolus maccus BLOG
Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus BLOG
Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus BLOG
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Re: Bug(s) in the BLOG outputs

Post by Jools »

Fixed. The "what I see" screenshots are really useful for fixing these things.

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