ID my pleco please

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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ID my pleco please

Post by multitanksyndrome »

I was sent here from another forum as this is where the experts are for my little conundrum. I bought this little lady (I believe female) about 3 weeks ago from a shop that only had clown plecos and ancistrus up for sale though they said they didn't sell ancistrus anymore because they had problems with them. So I bought it thinking maybe it's something rare that they missed out on as it was a chain shop, plus I liked the look of her but I haven't been able to get an ID. P.S when I bought her she was 4cm and now she is 8.5cm so growing quick lol. I hope I've provided another information and good pictures to help. Also if you're wondering if its the same fish I just moved her into my bigger tank because she outgrew my other one
IMG_4139.jpg (52.66 KiB) Viewed 960 times
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Re: ID my pleco please

Post by ThePsychotiCatfish »

maybe? Unfortunately I'm not an expert though so don't quote me on that. :-p
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Re: ID my pleco please

Post by multitanksyndrome »

Ok thank you. I thought it may have been but I wasn't 100% sure, mainly due to the growth rate. Maybe someone can confirm this.
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