Live Plants Question

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Live Plants Question

Post by Berger »

well I decided to try and add some live plants to one of my catfish tanks.

I added a amazon swordtail..It seems to be doing ok and I have been using some suppliments to try and help it out more.

The substrate I have is sand, its doing good, but the cories like to dig by it :evil:

Oh well any ways my sailfin decided to hang out on it today. it doesn't look like he has eaten it but I wanted ot know if you guys know if he would or not. Oh and the other pleco in the tank is my bristlenose..will he try to eat the plant??

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Post by robotron »

My bristlenose (Ancistrus ?) does go after my swordplants.He must rasp away at the large broad leaves,because I notice scrape marks on them.I have 3 different types of swordplants in that tank.The Echinodorus Parviflorus (a small attractive plant)is tough leaved and the Ancistus leaves it alone.I currently have them producing plantlets on runners.I have a couple of larger sword that the Ancistus likes better.One species produces it's new leaves in red color,fading to green with age.If the Ancistrus was not being fed well on intoduced food(frozen glassworm and bloodworms with flake food),I believe the bristlenose would do enough damage to put holes through the leaves and leaving a crumby looking plant.The other species of sword I have is a large green variety.It could be a Bleheri of something similar.This plant has not been in the tank with the bristlenose long enough to give me and idea of what's going to happen.I does have softer leaves than the other two types and I suspect would be very vulnerable to becoming a salad for the bristlenose.
I would suggest you try the more tough leaved swords and most importantly,keep the bristlenose well fed.I have had my bristlenose for about 5 or 6 years now and it learned a long time ago to be patient and wait for the stupid guy to put some bug larvae in there.If you keep the fish very hungry,it will revert to old ways and start to rasp algae and possible damage your plants.I am currently trying to get my Ancistrus to eat more algae.I destroyed the snails from this tank and now I am having an algae problem.The bristlenose has not made any progress here,even with the help of 3 fat little Otos.
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Post by Berger »

thanks for the reply.

I keep him regularly fed with vegetables so I think he'll stay away. My sailfin is new to the tank and he seems to not fully adjusted over. But in th last day or two he has left my sword alone, so
I think everything will be ok.

thanks again
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