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Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis Nigriventris)

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 02:10
by superstein61
Hi, I have a small Upside Down Catfish in my 72 gallon community tank. I know they are mainly nocturnal. I can see that mine lives under a piece of Mopani Wood - usually just attached there during the day although he does scurry about (usually just on the wood) during feeding time whne the rest of my fish cause a ruckus in that area.

I am wondering is there any way to see more of him. IE - If I add a second Upside Down Catfish - will that coax them out more - or are they just skittish of the other fish and just come out at night?

My other fish consist of half a dozen clown loaches, 2 Green Laser Cories, 3 Cory Duplicareous, 1 Albine Bristlenose, 1 yoyo loach, 2 Apisto Cacutoides, a pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus (Nigerian Green), 6 lemon tetras, 8 rummynose tetras, 2 pearl gouramis, and 2 honey gouramis


Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 02:18
by Silurus
Upside down cats are a gregarious species and do prefer to school, so adding more will give them enough security that they might come out more often. It also depends on how your tank is furnished. Is it planted?

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 03:37
by superstein61
Yes, my tank is moderately planted and it has numerous hiding spots

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 03:41
by Silurus
Upside down cats really do well if they are in a small school. You might need more than one, but then, you already have 6 clown loaches and I'm not sure if adding more fish would be a good idea.

Posted: 22 Feb 2003, 16:16
by superstein61
OK, thanks for the input. Yea, right now all the fish are small, but I do have quite a bit of bottom dwellers