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Mail Order catfish.........

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 17:55
by vossman325
Hello...I am new to this forum, but not new to the aquarium. I just recently moved from Tucson, AZ to Hailey, ID. This place is a geological oddity. I have yet to find a place that has any catfish other than Cory's and Pagasious (sp) cats. Not to mention that I have to drive over an hour to get to the nearest pet shop which is Petsmart. They are a great shop, but the dont get any exotic cats. So here's what I was looking for. I want a cat that wont get any bigger than like 12", and is compatable with Oscars. People have told me to get a channel cat, but me being a fisherman I know they can get over 3 feet. Is their any place that I can mail order cats?? Any info would be great...Thankyou :roll:

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 03:06
by S. Allen
most certainly. You'll find you can mail order just about anything you like, if you can find the right people. has a good selection, has a large selection, their fish have come in so-so for me in the past, but it's been a few years since I bought from them... choose a catfish, we can probably track down someone who'll ship to you. The only problem is making sure overnight delivery works in your area, certain carriers have rural areas that can't get overnight delivery, so you want to make sure either fed ex or airborne can get the fish to you fast.

Mail order cats

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 16:45
by vossman325
I was looking seriously at a Sun Catfish. They dont grow to huge sizes and they are pretty active. Right now I just want one. I live in a small town, but we do have the ability to recieve overnight packages. I actually work for UPS! So that should not be a problem. If the shipper uses FedEx or some one else they have overnight delivery where I work as well. Thankyou for the help. I am going to check out those sites. If you know who has good quality cats let me know. Thankyou again.

Re: Mail order cats

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 17:31
by Rusty
vossman325 wrote:I was looking seriously at a Sun Catfish. They dont grow to huge sizes and they are pretty active.
They get large (over a foot), eat anything they can fit in their mouths and you will never, EVER see it in the open if it has a nice cave. Not a good aquarium fish IMO. Try for some nice synos (or plecos if that lights your fire), which will be interesting to watch, don't grow huge and shouldn't be too hard to find online.


Re: Mail order cats

Posted: 06 Aug 2004, 16:56
by vossman325
Rusty wrote:
vossman325 wrote:I was looking seriously at a Sun Catfish. They dont grow to huge sizes and they are pretty active.
They get large (over a foot), eat anything they can fit in their mouths and you will never, EVER see it in the open if it has a nice cave. Not a good aquarium fish IMO. Try for some nice synos (or pl*cos if that lights your fire), which will be interesting to watch, don't grow huge and shouldn't be too hard to find online.

I dont like the looks of Synos...Plecos are cool, but the ones that I like are friggen expensive. I was planning on putting the sun cat in with two large oscars. The last three plecos that I had in with them ended up dead. I am not sure how the synos would last.

Posted: 06 Aug 2004, 17:14
by Barbie
Where are you in Idaho? If within driving distance to Spokane, our LFS always has interesting cats in, and rare plecos in the 30-40 dollar range. The shipping is going to make most mail order fish cost prohibitive, unless you intend to get far more than one or two.


Posted: 07 Aug 2004, 17:18
by vossman325
Barbie wrote:Where are you in Idaho? If within driving distance to Spokane, our LFS always has interesting cats in, and rare pl*cos in the 30-40 dollar range. The shipping is going to make most mail order fish cost prohibitive, unless you intend to get far more than one or two.

I am actually about 8+ hours away from Spokane. I live in Hailey, Idaho. It is in Sun Valley, so I am kinda out in the middle of nowhere anyway. The nearest LFS is an hour away. I can have them order fish for me, but I was checking out and they seem pretty reasonable.