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Re: Fokiensis "gecko cats"

Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 18:55
by GirlsGotFisshues
Shovelnose wrote: 10 Apr 2019, 11:29 Very nice!! What krill pellets are these?
Aquacarium/YourFishStuff brand. There are a few other varieties out there, both in European and American markets. There's one that's a black bag with a red and black label and has krill and squid meal. I like that pellet size better, but I can't ever remember the name of the brand and it's not easy to find in the states.

Re: Fokiensis "gecko cats"

Posted: 10 May 2019, 22:46
by GirlsGotFisshues
They go bonkers for mosquito larvae, too. These guys are still going strong... fingers crossed that they make it through the summer.

Re: Fokiensis "gecko cats"

Posted: 11 May 2019, 10:49
by Shovelnose
Good to hear that!! They generally go mad over any live food dropped. You could up the feeding a little bit in the summer as a safety measure.

Re: Fokiensis "gecko cats"

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 19:20
by GirlsGotFisshues
Unfortunately we had a crazy past two weeks, weather wise. Temperatures dropped unseasonably low for a week then shot up 20 degrees and stayed there. While they're in the lower level of the house, I think the big swing was just too much for them. We lost all 3 over the course of 24 hours with little-no warning. They had been eating and the body condition looked perfect on 2 of the 3. The third was a bit skinny which prompted me to deworm them a second time a few weeks ago, but there had been no other signs of illness or distress and the fish had been swimming and eating normally.

My husband is pretty sad about this. He'd been asking me to find more of them and I kept telling him I wanted to be sure they'd make it through the summer, first. I'm glad I took that approach, but still dismayed to have lost them. There are possibilities other than temperature - maybe something contaminated my mosquito tub (though no other fish have shown ill effects) - but it seemed like this week's heat wave is the most likely culprit.