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White spot developing on the Tail Fin of BNP

Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 15:07
by scolba
Hey Folks,

So I noticed in the last week or so a white spot developing on the tip of my BNP. It was sold to me as a "Green Dragon Ancistrus". Looking at the pic again, it almost looks like there is one developing on the tip of the dorsal fin, too.

Is this something I need to be concerned about?



Re: White spot developing on the Tail Fin of BNP

Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 16:28
by pleco_breeder
This just appears to be the normal color of the strain. The white fin tips of the common strain generally carry into the green dragon and albino lines. I had never really given any thought to it prior to this, but don't think I've ever seen a healthy fish from one of these strains which didn't have them.

Re: White spot developing on the Tail Fin of BNP

Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 20:50
by scolba
Ahh, excellent! That puts my mind at ease. Thank you!