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L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 06:58
by sawickib
Hi everyone, new here but not to forums!

So i have a 180 gallon and a L25 7 point in it, and he seems to be very territorial, can i add another L25 to the tank? I believe theres another spot in the tank that would be good for the other pleco but not sure if they would fight to much, or if it would stop them from eating. I plan on adding a L114 once it grows large enough as well, but that will be a LONG time lol

Also im looking at L160, LDA-07 Leopardus, and L24 as well for possible tank mates, what do you guys think? Are there any other good cactus plecos, i dont think i can get a L600 lol

Also whats the best diet for these guys? Ive been doing market shrimp, NLS pellets, shrimp pellets, and mussels, along with the occasional zucchini, is this a good diet or is there something more i can add?

Heres diablo btw, when i first got him from Snookn.

And now- b-)


Re: L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 00:17
by sawickib
Anyone know if this would just stress my pleco out? Or even make him less afraid of coming out?

Re: L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 12:43
by Mol_PMB
I don't have much experience to speak from, but since no-one else has answered I'll pass on some advice I was given when I got my L24. If there's anyone out there who knows better, please correct me as I would also be interested in learning more.

My understanding of these big Pseudacanthicus species is that while juveniles (6" or so) can be kept together in a reasonable-size tank, adults are very territorial and are likely to fight if kept together. This is true whether the fish are the same species, or just a similar one.

There are some quite dramatic youtube videos of Pseudacanthicus fighting. Some people might find that entertaining but it's not for me. Even in quite a big tank like yours, there won't be space for two territories. You might get away with two juveniles if added at the same time, but adding an adult to a tank where another adult already 'owns' the whole tank as a territory will probably end badly.

The people that have had success in breeding these fish tend to keep a group in a very large vat or pond, rather than a tank. Even then, the fish are likely to hurt each other. While most injuries will heal, my understanding is that damaged fins tend to grow back without their vivid colours.

So I have chosen to keep my juvenile L24 as the only 'big' pleco in my tank. She seems to tolerate the Giant Otos though - they're small enough that they're not a threat. I find she's very active on her own, often out and about and beautiful to watch as she swims and darts around the wood in the tank. Maybe the older ones are more laid-back?

Re: L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 14 Jan 2015, 03:28
by sawickib
Thank you for the advice! Lovely pleco and tank btw!

I agree, i dont wanna see my plecos fighting like that, i had a 15" common pleco come into the tank, and i wanted them to live together, but my L25 was losing the fights and i value him much more so i got rid of the common pleco, he was a nice one to, wild caught.

Do you think i could manage to get some bushy nose plecos with him? or maybe some other small species of pleco perhaps.

Idk i really like plecos rn lol, and i have a lot of polypterus so idk how well smaller plecos would work.

Re: L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 14 Jan 2015, 16:03
by Mol_PMB
I've not tried it myself but I would think smaller or differently-shaped plecos with different diets might be OK, or those that live in a different area of the tank.

My L24 is soon going to move to a larger tank. Having found that the Otos aren't a problem I'm thinking of moving a couple of Farlowellas in with her; they don't spend much time on the substrate preferring to be on the higher branches or the glass. I have been advised that smaller non-loricariid catfish should be OK and I will also be adding a group of Brochis.

Hopefully someone who has actually tried this will be able to confirm?

Re: L25 living with other plecos in a 180

Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 02:47
by sawickib
Sounds good, i do really wanna try 2 or 3 bushy nose plecos in the tank but im not sure yet.

It seems as though since i added more decorations to make it more cluttered that hes coming out more, maybe he feels more secure or its just that he is comfortable in the tank now haha