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searchable breeding logs by family and genus

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 04:18
by Nabobmob1
Someone asked on Facebook if their was a list of Loricariidae species which had been spawned. Is their an easy way to populate a list using the Blogs?

Re: searchable breeding logs by family and genus

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 22:19
by Jools
Yes, very much so. In fact, what I had hoped to also do was pull together a list of all blogs for a given species. I think this kind of thing is pretty close to my top of list of stuff to do.

As I've been writing elsewhere, I have the (massive) forum upgrade to do at AR (which kind of tests the same thing happening here). Once that's done, I will have a look at it. Please pester me about it after the forum has been upgraded (you will know when it has).



Re: searchable breeding logs by family and genus

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 22:25
by Jools
Just thinking about it, adding the total number of blogs per species to the list on the family page would give a rough view? Bascially add something like b:x to the stats column where x is the number of blogs.
