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What Do you Feed Your Cory Fry after Hatching?

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 12:33
by rcbows
Can anyone tell me what and how the feed there Cory Fry after Hatching? Doe anyone use "HIKARI First Bites"? :-\

Re: What Do you Feed Your Cory Fry after Hatching?

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 18:05
by MChambers
I use Golden Pearls and microworms, but First Bites should work.

Re: What Do you Feed Your Cory Fry after Hatching?

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 21:14
by Corycory
Yes, the first bites would do but they spoil the water quality a lot even with strict maintenance so be careful.

Re: What Do you Feed Your Cory Fry after Hatching?

Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 03:19
by corywink
after hatching, they will not feed for a few days till they absorb their yolk sacks.

for multiple egg layers like bronze, peppered, sterbai etc..., I start off with microworms and then feed small grindel worms when they are big enough (around 1week)

for single egg layers (pandas, duplicareus, weitzmani etc..., their fry are much bigger and can eat small grindel worms from the start.

pygmies are the tiniest fry so they get microworms.

From my experience grindel worms are the cleanest and won't foul the water or the bottom surface area, they will survive for 24hrs+ so you only just need to feed them once a day. It's not difficult to collect baby grindel worms, just get a small clear plastic cup fill it with some tank water and place a small amount of grindels and use a 1ml pippette to pick out the baby grindel worms.

Re: What Do you Feed Your Cory Fry after Hatching?

Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 03:52
by Dave Rinaldo
Have you read the pinned post Hatching & Raising fry at the beginning of this forum?