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Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 23:00
by Viktor Jarikov ... d=116#2452

I think Hybrid #2 and Hybrid #5 are the same hybrid. The one from here too (pics of several more of possibly the "same" hybrids): ... =7&t=36212

Pros, cons, other IDs?

Re: Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 13 May 2014, 08:46
by Jools

I think hybrid #5 has been moved. Is this as you know expected it to be?



Re: Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 14 May 2014, 02:37
by Viktor Jarikov
As the hybrid list stands today, this question remains on hybrids (2) and (3). Both are TSN x Doradiid, IDK same or different. Mike Sema (who BTW said he was emailing you photos of his hybrids several weeks back) thinks these are different. So may be they should stay separate. I thought there is a chance they are the same hybrid.

We discussed it on MFK but I think Mike and Fleshy were the only ones to offer an opinion and it was that the hybrids (2) and (now 3) are likely different - if you will, see pages 8 and 9 ... +variation.

Re: Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 14 May 2014, 13:05
by Jools
Right, OK, I understand. This is all very grey, but they do like rather different. In fact, I would be a little inclined to call what is now as an hybrid as it shows more doradid than pimelodid features. I am not sure if there is a convention on this for hybrids (e.g. do you use features, what the male was, what the female was etc in creating a name for it).

Again, I am going on general trust that actually involves a . It clearly involves a doradid, but what if the pim is something else such as for example.

My feeling would be to keep them apart at present and I could be persuaded to move #2 into the .

Would appreciate all and any input.


Re: Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 14 May 2014, 18:58
by Viktor Jarikov
Thanks, Jools. I am not aware of a rigorous naming protocol. From what I can see, the hybrids usually (or almost always, or always?) look more like the maternal species than paternal species.

E.g., the most common TSNxRTC hybrid is filed under RTC hybrids whilst we know for sure RTC is the paternal species and, to me, it looks much more like the maternal species - P. fasciatum according to the production notes that Necrocanis has.

The TSNxLeiarius hybrid is "correctly" filed under the TSN hybrids. TSN is the maternal species here too.

You are right, it is all very grey to me too and we need many more pics for starters. The person to whom it is least grey is Necrocanis. He knows the most of all people I came across about catfish hybrids. But he is on for a week or two and then off the radar for months. Currently unavailable / unreachable.

He'd be of tremendous help in organizing the hybrids the right way.

We can wait until he resurfaces or you can try contacting him (he is a PCF member too). With your "weight", you might stand a better success chance.

I also agree with your on the two hybrids in the OP. I'd leave all be as it is until we get lots of photos and Necrocanis' input / help.

Have you received the photos from Mike Sema or should I poke him?

Re: Need forum's help on hybrid ID #2, TSNxNiger

Posted: 14 May 2014, 20:29
by Jools
A "poke" might help! I'm happy to just wait this one out, perhaps some of these guys will be at the US catcon in October?
