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Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 31 Dec 2012, 04:52
by Andrewjw
I need some advice. I have 3 of these them a year ago, all the same size, about 4 inches. They were put in a 240gallon tank, and they have been so aggressive with each other that the dominant fish prevented the others from eating. (mind you, there were also plenty of other big mean plecos in there to diffuse the no avail). I removed the biggest when he was 14 inches, and put him in a separate 55g, as the other two were still 4-5 inches. Now, the second most dominant is 8 -9 inches, and the last one is still 4-5 inches....I am afraid i will have to separate all 3! These guys are relentless towards each other....So, advice please? I realize getting another 5 or 6 fish might be the answer, but they are a bit hard to come by.....
Andy in St Louis

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 31 Dec 2012, 09:09
by Barbie
Andy I've not kept them, but this sounds like the experience I've heard from people that have. I do not have any idea how you're going to get them together to try to spawn them, short of a divider that you remove when they are all in condition and fanning at the cave door.

I say that, but I did finally get all of my L114 together and a male is displaying at the cave door, so there is hope. Mind you, I've not had a spawn either!


Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 19:38
by Andrewjw
Thanks Barbie,
I suspected as much...these guys are just plain mean. Whenever i put my hand in the tank, or a net, or a glass cleaner, they lash out and attack! So, I decided to add another 10 pieces of driftwood, and some dither fish....5 medium sized P. gibbiceps, which seem similar enough in coloring, as well as some other big cichlids (my daughter chose a few oscars...not sure it was a wise decision!). Let me know if anyone sees more of these available please....!

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 22:00
by magdalo
I believe that you do have to separate them for now. The biggest among your group will continue to dominate and the runt will continue to be left behind, unless of course it doesn't get killed first.
I salute your intention of breeding them in glass tanks, but I have never heard of anyone successful of this (yet). Perhaps their size and robust nature requires them large, open, and muddy spaces of an outdoor pond which a glass tank is incapable of providing. Nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck on this endeavor.
I also believe that adding a few more specimens of these beast or any other fish will not diffuse their aggression. Instead, it will intensify the aggression because of competition for territory and food.
Good luck!

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 02 Jan 2013, 03:00
by Andrewjw
Good point! I think I will try and move them to a pond...just have to make one!

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 02 Jan 2013, 15:15
by yayfish24
Ive always wanted one but its gonna be some time till get a big enough tank. Can we see pics?

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 19:53
by franco68
pics please :YMHUG:

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 21:29
by Andrewjw is an attempt at posting a pic. Let's see if it works...It is of the medium sized one, 6 months ago...

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 21:29
by Andrewjw
by the way, my daughter had to help me do that....let me take some better photos, and try again...

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 16:13
by franco68
:-BD wonderful

Re: Megalancistrus (L-234) Trouble

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 18:27
by grokefish
One of these was my second choice for my tank, but I have only ever seen one in my life for real.