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Suggested Food For My Ictalurus Punctatus (Channel Catfish)

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 18:59
by ItamaeChef
I am looking into food alternative for my catfish. Currently he enjoys mid-sized feeder fish, frozen brine shrimp squares, and shrimp pellets.

Please help me expand the diet of my little friend. BTW, he's approximately 13" long and 6 years old. =)


Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 19:08
by Rusty
They will eat anything! Try earthworms if you haven't already. Keep in mid that with large fish like that, you do not need to feed everyday. Every 3-4 days should be fine.


Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 19:11
by Silurus
I would say lose the feeder fish (maybe that's what gave it the disease in the first place) and just go with cicklid sticks or some other compressed (pelleted) fish food (it would be good if you can get your hands on trout cats go crazy for it).
Use the frozen food as an occasional treat (I guess you can expand the variety and use frozen bloodworms, frozen krill or maybe even beefheart as well). For very special occasions, give it some live food like chopped earthworms.

Posted: 21 Jan 2003, 07:08
by Zack
ANYTHING, channel cats are the ultimate pig. Try like other have said pellet food both carnivor and shrimp pellets will work. Frozen whole shrimp,fish meat,deffinately not feeders unless they are home grown. Just about any food i can think of will work. Just if you use worms make sure the soil they come from is clean and it would be a good idea to stop feeding him feeders as that is most likely where the disease came from like silirus said. If you decide to use pellets make sure to swithc out the kinds every now and then as well as giving some real food periodicaly like shrimp. Are you planning to get a bigger tank as he grows??? A largemouth bass or some other native species would be cool with him. Well good luck with the disease and all. Hows it going by the way?

My Sick Catfish

Posted: 21 Jan 2003, 20:24
by ItamaeChef
I will post an update under the original post.

Thanks again for all the great suggestions.