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Corydoras caudimaculatus spawning video

Posted: 01 Feb 2012, 00:57
by tjudy
I have been conditioning a group of C. caudimaculatus for a few months, and was rewarded today with a lot of spawning. I was able to get some video. It is the current post in my blog:

Re: Corydoras caudimaculatus spawning video

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 03:28
by ergaziturboman
They are so adorable, I love them.

Re: Corydoras caudimaculatus spawning video

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 03:44
by corybrummie2010
Congrats on the spawning and great video mate :-BD

Re: Corydoras caudimaculatus spawning video

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 18:58
by tjudy
The eggs hatched yesterday. Looks like about a 90% hatch rate...

Re: Corydoras caudimaculatus spawning video

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 23:56
by tjudy
I have at least 100 fry that are now eating. Small fry compared to C. duplicareus. I have received some advice to keep them in RO water and very acid. Currently they are still in their hatching cup (a liter beaker with a bubbler). I use RO water and put a layer of long-fiber sphagnum moss for them to hide in, which also lowers the pH a bit. I am wondering how soon to move them to their first rearing tank (a 2.5 gallon). Usually I wait about 3 days after the fry start eating, but they are smaller than the cories I have raised before.