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Noturus insignis

Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 14:21
by exasperatus2002
I went sampling with a nanfa member yesterday & we caught my first marginated madtom - Noturus insignis. We saw two but managed to catch one of them. I had a great time. We also caught my first slimy sculpin, Cottus cognatus. My normal photo tank was broken so I had to make due with a small plastic hex tank. I really wish I had extra tank space. Id had loved to keep them both but I let them go.

video- ... CN6446.mp4






Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 03:08
by Birger
Always nice to get out and dip a net to see what shows up.
Id had loved to keep them both but I let them go.
You will have to try them one day, the N. insignis I have are fairly active and interesting species.
Sculpins, I have not brought any home yet but are on my list.


Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 04:07
by exasperatus2002
Birger wrote:Always nice to get out and dip a net to see what shows up.
Id had loved to keep them both but I let them go.
You will have to try them one day, the N. insignis I have are fairly active and interesting species.
Sculpins, I have not brought any home yet but are on my list.

Is room temperature ok or would I need a chiller for insignis?

Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 06:33
by Birger
Is room temperature ok or would I need a chiller for insignis?

These are doing good and growing, the tank they are in is usually around 70-72 F,I would like it to be cooler but I think it is more important to have good water movement keeping the oxygen content up.

They are quite different than the gyrinus I have, chasing if they see each other and do not usually hang out together but so far do not do any damage. They are much more active, I have many caves and rocks but still see them alot.


Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 05 Aug 2011, 07:54
by Jools
In my experience, much warmer and you'll lose them. N. gyrinus appear to be more tolerant of warmer water.


Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 17:37
by nvcichlids
also note that sculpins usually do not last long in aquariums. They need really cool water and great quality with high oxygen. I had a tank that stayed at 68 for my darters and shiners and I had 5 sculpin, they all died but everything else was good!.

Re: Noturus insignis

Posted: 20 Oct 2011, 19:54
by exasperatus2002
Thanks for the info. These were all released after smiling for the birdie.