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My fishie pictures

Posted: 30 Aug 2003, 16:01
by prairie_starr

My pictus cats have recently taken to swimming together in tight circles around their favorite plant. Do anyone elses do that? My mom wonders what it means. I told her they dont reproduce in the aquarium environment as far as i know. I told her they're just playing :)



Posted: 31 Aug 2003, 01:24
by pturley
Always keep in mind:
"All fish breed, otherwise, there wouldn't be any fish!"

"Stranger things have happened."

They could just be settling out the pecking order, but then again you'll never know if you don't pay attention.

Paul E. Turley

Posted: 06 Sep 2003, 20:08
by T
Are all those in a 10gal tank?

Posted: 26 Sep 2003, 21:56
by prairie_starr
Yes, they are all in a 10 gallon tank right now, but it is temporary. My birthday is in November and I am buying either a 55 gallon or a 40. Then my kittenfish will have room to GET DOWN.


Posted: 27 Sep 2003, 08:43
by dgecko
Wow a birthday present a fish tank COOL seems all I get is new cloths or stuff I don't really need. Can I tell your mom when my birthday is and maybe get a tank. Where do you live

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 21:17
by prairie_starr
My bday isnt until the 17th, but I got my 55 gallon! This is so exciting. I joked to my brother that I couldn't decided whether to get one big fish or 500 little fish <G>

The stand, which i put together last night and was the easiest piece of furniture in the world to assemble, was on clearance at petsmart for $80. The 55 gallon tank starter kit was $158 and i was a little disappointed that it didnt come with an air pump, but i picked up one that can be used on a tank up to 60 gallons at walmart for only $10.

Now, i will have to invest in a zillion ponds of white gravel, fill the puppy up, let it run a week or so, then transfer the fishies from my 10 gallon tank to their new home. I cant wait! This is goinna rock. So really, the whole thing should be up and running by my bday. :)

You guys saw from my pics what kind of fishies i have - a pleco, a betta, and some pictus cats.

I saw some ciclids at walmart, they were a beautiful bright yellow, i want them really bad, but they are labeled as aggressive. I know a lot of stores mislabel just about everything they sell, but you guys will know more. I dont want my other fish harmed - how aggressive are these fish really? my cats should be fine, they stay on the bottom and torment each other, but the betta patrols the top of the tank, of course. There will be thick silk plant hiding places and driftwood for them all, but i dont wanna come home one day and see that a couple different fish fought in a death match.

That happened when i was little and my betta took giant chunks out of 2 big goldfish.

Also, i keep seeing these spotted white and gold fish labeled as fantails (they're goldfish, arent they?) How will these do, cause my niece really wants me to get one so she can visit him. I want to make sure they fish i get are appropriate for each other.

Thannks in advance.

Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 21:30
by Barbie
African cichlids and bettas aren't going to be a good match, sorry to say. The yellow ones with black edging on their fins are the most easy going of the bunch(Labidochromis caeruelus), but they would definitely nip him if he got close, and his social structuring won't prepare him for how to deal with them.

Fantails are definitely goldfish, and will put off large amounts of waste that will wreak havoc with the other fish in the tank, not accounting for the fact that they won't truly be happy in a tank as warm as tropical fish need to be kept.

Fish you might really enjoy, would be Dwarf neon rainbows (M. praecox) or other rainbows. They don't tend to be nippy, and won't mess with your betta. Doing your research before buying the wrong fish is really admirable. Keep up the good work!


Posted: 02 Nov 2003, 21:30
by Silurus
a zillion ponds of white gravel
Those wouldn't happen to be marble chips, would they? Marble chips aren't good for most of the fish you keep (or intend to keep).

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 07:09
by prairie_starr
I dont know what marbel chips is -- i just bought gravel at walmart. It isnt any kind of specialty or anything.

Ok, i wont buy the evil yet compellingly colorful yellow ciclids, but i am going to buy another baby pictus cat, and name him Epstein in honor of my favorite Sweathog.

This is great having folks around to get this info from, so much of the internet is not reliable. I will not have my betta buddy picked on by a bunch of jerk fish. :)


Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 10:43
by Silurus
If you bought your gravel at Walmart and it's white, there's a very good chance its's marble chips. I would use proper gravel (should be yellow/brown), and you can buy that at an LFS.

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 01:43
by prairie_starr

here is a small pic of my tank. ill get a better one soon, im learning how to use the digital camera my friend got me for my bday.

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 22:26
by Fiskars the Whiskers
Ooh, your tank is pretty!

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 00:51
by tiffnseve
My dwarf Honey Gouramis get along pretty well with my betta. I've had trouble with the fish at Walmart. They don't seem to take care of them as well as the petshops do. On the plus side though you can get a massive pleco for cheap there.