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Indian almond leaves and Corydoras

Posted: 26 Apr 2007, 15:16
by petesfish
After reading the adler cone thread I wondered if anyone has started to use Indian almond leaves in their corydoras tanks?

If so do you feel you see any benefits?

I know some people swear by them for other fish and there is some limited research showing they might have anti-bacterial properties.


Posted: 26 Apr 2007, 16:46
by apistomaster
I don't know but I am going try almond leaves myself to see if it reduces fungused eggs.

Posted: 27 Apr 2007, 06:32
by Waldo
I have not used them with breeding cory's however I know that I have seen a better ratio with Killi and betta death ratio while using them. They also acted as a natural "carbon" media by absorbing stuff from the water, while lowering the pH. Note though that it does break down and can make a mess.

Posted: 01 May 2007, 17:26
by jimoo
I don't breed, but I've used these and my sterbai seemed to thrive in the tannin colored water.

However, the reduced light filtering through the water really hit the plants hard. So I've stopped incorporating them, for now.