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The Pantanal

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 17:58
by bronzefry
I was watching the Discovery Channel in High Definition the other day. On comes a show about The Pantanal. Not only was it about the Pantanal, it was about freshwater fish migration and the life cycles revolving around the dry and wet seasons. Also discussed were otters, roseate spoonbills and caimans. But, everything came back to the fish. They only had time to cover 2 large migrating species, including the Dorado. The only person in this was the man doing the voice-over. If you see it listed, it's worth watching.

Posted: 10 Sep 2006, 23:31
by chupapiedras
I saw this program about a year ago and have been waiting for it to reair!
Its amazing. Where the Dorado migrate to spawn is an aquatic plant lovers dream. The water was crystal clear through out the whole strecth of river(you could see a pretty far distance with perfect visibility, strange for a South American river) . They also covered a species of hemiodopsis tetra also migrating into this beautiful location. If you have the chance you should not miss it!

In hi def its got to be impressive!