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C. Panda vs. C. Rabauti

Posted: 07 Jan 2003, 10:01
by philtre
hiyah all,

I thinking of a shoal of about 12 of either C. Panda or C. Rabauti. Was hoping that I could get some input from those who have had both.

1. which has more of a character? panda or rabauti?
the pandas seems to be more bold, venturing out into the open more often (in tank A). However, in the other tank (B) I seldom get to see them?

2. Which of the two sp grows faster? panda or rabauti?
fatter/ bigger/ mature soonner?

3. Which of the two sp is easier to keep?
more hardy and tolerant of water conditions? (heard panda could be more succeptible due to overbreeding at one point of time? what if we disregard that? which would be hardier?)

4. of the two, which is more active?
always swimming around, looking for food?
I notice the rabautis do like to go a little higer to the mid level. Even the top level sometimes

5. and finally (for now, I think) .... heheheh ... which makes a stronger visual impact?
12 pandas in a 2' tank? OR
12 Rabautis in a 2' tank?

Acutally I can't decide ... love them both ... that's why I'm asking for opinions. :wink: need some objective inputs. heh.

thanks all!

Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 00:15
by Coryman
Its all down to the eye of the beholder, If you like them both buy them both.

If the name starts with Corydoras I love them all :wink:


Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 13:13
by Yann

Yes all species are superbe, and each of us has its own favourite....

Concerning which one will be the most srtiking, well this depend on the Setup of the tank...


Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 14:45
by philtre
Hi Yann, Ian,

yeah ..... I love them both ... but I was really hoping someone could share their experience with me on these two sp.


Pands vs. ......

Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 16:17
by Tragically Hap
The two pandas in my daughter's guppy tank -- named James and Lily after Harry Potter's parents -- turned out to be a breeding pair. After we'd had them for about two years, they produced a small brood of the most amazing offspring I've ever seen: tiny but exact replicas of their parents, about the size of a rice-grain, with little dorsals sticking up and two spots. They are incredibly charming babies -- I don't know of any that equal them.

Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 18:51
by Yann
well !

I have Corydoras panda and Corydoras zygatus ( really close to Corydoras rabauti, if I were to chose one species, I would go with Coryodras zygatus as they were the first really special, not easily available Cory that I got, and also because the rward me with their first spawn 2 years ago during my birthday... so these would always be special to my heart...

THe panda are so nice, and their colour marking is really eye catching in about every tank, which is not the case for the zygatus/rabauti. But colour marking from juvenil rabauti is absolutly beautiful...

Like say Ian, pick both species...I would!!!!!


Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 20:55
Hi there. Go for both, they all look great in shoals. I beleive the Rabauti to grow the larger of the 2 mentioned, and both are easy to keep. A lot of Pandas are now tank raised and yes this can cause genetic problems, but they are usually much healthier initially than imported fish and less likely to suffer from stress related illness

Posted: 08 Jan 2003, 22:30
by Coryman
This is a young pair of C. rabauti and if I had to choose between them and the C. panda below then the The C. rabauti wins every time.


Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 06:40
by Yann

Obviously the Ian-Yann agree on the same topic... :lol:

they are really superbe fish!!!

Like Ian said! As long as it start with Corydoras, I love them all ! :wink: I could add Brochis and Aspidoras as well!!!


Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 08:43
by coryfav
Yeah, we love them all! :lol:

I'll go with C. rabauti, but the C. panda has always been cute too. :wink:


The ABCs - Aspidoras, Brochis & Corydoras! :D

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 17:36
by philtre

thanks you all ... heheh ... like I said, I love them all. Just wanted to get a better feel of things!

thanks again!

Posted: 09 Jan 2003, 19:15
by König Löwe
I saw two unfamiliar corydoras in a local fish store so i printet pictures of every striped cory and went back to identify them. I decided it was two C. rabauti, but as it turned out, it was one C. rabauti and one C. zygatus. I have not been able to get hold of more of either of the. I really like them, they grow to a good size. I allso had three C. panda, but there is only one left now, the other two where probably killed by my Platydoras costatus. Anyway, I don't like C. panda that much, because they are so small, i allmost can't see them!

I think a big shoal of rabauti would look much more impressing than a big shoal of panda.

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 15:33
by philtre
Hi Konig Lowe,

hope you don't still have the platydoras in the same tank :wink:

woah! you printed all the pics! good for you! sometimes I wish I had all the pics right in front of me when I'm at the lfs! heh. :wink:

Are rabautis really rare over in norway? I've not seen a zygatus before though. :shock:


Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 20:43
by König Löwe
I wouldn't say rabautis are rare, but where i live, there are only 40000 people so the market Isn't that big for other cories than aeneus and paleatus. They often buy some other species too, and i think they ordered rabautis, then they got a zygatus among them. I bought the two last of them. In the area around Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim, there are much more cories available, since those are the most densely populated areas.

If i could manage to get hold of more zygatus, I would be very happy, but as far as i can understand, they are much less frequently for sale anywhere than rabautis :(

The Platydoras was exchanged for an ancistrus pretty fast. By that time, he had killed two pandas and eaten the barbels of the third :(

In the end of this month, I'm going to Oslo, so I hope i can get hold of some cool catfish there :D