How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

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How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by Callichthyidae »

Hello! Everyone :wink:
I am still a new membership of this execellent web-site. Please! Help. I have been bred some Corydoras WILD for almost a year now, but I still cannot figure out how to reduce the death of the Corydors Fry. If someone know how, please help me. It will be greately appreciated.
Almost half year ago, I could breed Corydoras Duplicareus WILD and Corydoras Sterbai WILD. It was make me so happy, but after a couple month, almost all of my Corydoras Duplicareus and Corydoras Sterbai Fries were dead. I have had not even 10 left after that.
And this time, I can breed Corydoras Caudimaculatus WILD as well, but all fry are still going to die, but less than it used to be. Someone used to say I have to put some Fine Sand on the bottom to reduce the bad bacteria that cause the death of Corydoras Fry. I have done that, but some of my Corydoras Fry are still dead. And, I did try to barely bottom of the tank, and it made my Corydoras Fry died every single day much more than put some Fine Sand on the bottom. I really don't know WHY, and now I have to put some Fine Sand that it used to be. Can someone help me? It will be greatly appreciated. I have been changed the clear water 15 % every couple day, but it still happens. I am trying not to lose every single of them if I can. Can someone help? Thank you very much. :?:

Best Regards;
Bunthid or Max :)

[Mod edit: remove extra large text - it's too hard to read --Mats]
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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by syno321 »

Providing a little more information would be helpful. How old are thr fry when they expire? What water depth are you keeping them in? What are you feeding?
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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by cartouche »

The death of young fry isn't caused by bacteria, but by parasitic protozoa (Tetrahymena etc.). I use Chloramine, 2 g/100 liters of water before every water change for 30-60 minutes. It doesn't kill these protozoa, but it kills bacteria on which these protozoa thrive.

The method with fine sand always ended as an utter disaster in my conditions and made things even worse.
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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by Callichthyidae »

cartouche wrote:The death of young fry isn't caused by bacteria, but by parasitic protozoa (Tetrahymena etc.). I use Chloramine, 2 g/100 liters of water before every water change for 30-60 minutes. It doesn't kill these protozoa, but it kills bacteria on which these protozoa thrive.

The method with fine sand always ended as an utter disaster in my conditions and made things even worse.

Hello! Cartouche
I really need your help for my Cory Fry. They are still kept dying almot every single day. I don't really know what I have to do now. I feel so disappointed and so discouraged very much. I always change the water almost every day, but they are still kept dying. Please! Help :( Where I can buy Chloramine and HOW ? Or someone who can help me Please Help. It will be greatly appreciated very much. :( Thank you very much again.
I put them in 10 gallons tank to let them grow up, but they are still kept dying and dying and dying....ggg. My water is very clean because I change the water every single day and I put some fine sand on the bottom to see them easily as well, but not much. I am thinking to buy UV Sterilizers if I don't have any choices to improve my Death Cory Fry, but I still don't know it will work for me or NOT. Please ! Help......ppp...p :(

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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by MatsP »

You do not want chloramine in your tank. And I suspect that the San Antonio tap-water is pretty low in bacteria out of the tap (and high in Chlorine or Chloramine).

You haven't given us the information requested earlier, with regards how old the fry are when they die, etc.

I also removed your size in the post. I don't know why you think you need to use bigger letters than everyone else - maybe you are one of those very loud Americans? ;)

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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by Callichthyidae »

MatsP wrote:You do not want chloramine in your tank. And I suspect that the San Antonio tap-water is pretty low in bacteria out of the tap (and high in Chlorine or Chloramine).

You haven't given us the information requested earlier, with regards how old the fry are when they die, etc.

I also removed your size in the post. I don't know why you think you need to use bigger letters than everyone else - maybe you are one of those very loud Americans? ;)

Hi! I am back. :?
I was so so so busy at work and school as well, so I haven't really have time to check my post at all. I am so sorry about that sesriously. :( I am so sorryyyyyyyy.....
All my Corydoras Fries are still kept dying, but I don't care anymore. I just do my best, but if someone can help me to solve this problem, it will be greatly appreciated very much. :)
All my Corydoras Fries were died about 2 weeks to a month and still keep dying until a month an half, and I still don't know exactly what happen !!! :shock: I changed the water every single day with my R/O water and also put some black water expert into my Corydoras Fry tank and Breeding Tank as well. Please! help and if you need any information what did I do to my Corydoras Fry Tank, please! let me know, I will explain every single step by step. Thank you very much. :?:

Best Regards;
Bunthid or Max :?
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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by MatsP »

If you use neat RO water, you may need to add something to make sure it's got enough buffer capacity to keep the pH stable - if the pH crashes too far down, it will definitely cause problems with fry (or bigger fish for that matter).

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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by L number Banana »

Hi, I've only raised Cory fry once but here's a quick version:
- I put a plastic salad container into the big tank to keep the temperature the same. It floats on top and is held in place by clips.
- I put the eggs in and a couple tiny snails to keep things clean.
- I left the bottom of the container bare so I could make sure I siphoned out every bit of food/pooh etc.
- I added an airstone to keep the water moving and full of oxygen.
- Each day I siphoned out anything I could see with a turkey baster. I used the main tank water for water changes. Always checking to make sure the readings are good before adding!
- A couple weeks after the egg sac was absorbed, I started trying shrimp pellet shavings and spirulina tab shavings. With this added food, I siphoned and replaced the water more diligently. I added a few aquatic plant leaves to the surface of the water for shade, after a few days, I'd replace the leaf with a fresh one.

What's your water readings and temps? Is there lots of oxygen in the fry tank?
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Re: How to Reduce The Death Of The Corydoras Fry !!!!!

Post by Coryman »

There are many factors that could be giving you the problems with dying fry.

I always use water from the tank where the adults spawned for water changing the fry containers and for the first month I make fairly large water changes every day before each feed, after six to eight weeks the fry are large enough to move to larger more permanent tank. During the water changes I always wipe all the internal surfaces clean of bacterial slime as this concentration of bacteria is detrimental to the young fry.

The diet is also very important and here you do not mention what feeding regime you practice. With a lot of the black water species I add a few soaked Beach or Oak leaves, which the very young fry browse over feeding on the bacteria and microscopic organisms that are feed on and break down the leaves. I follow this with first feeding of micro worm and a little soaked powdered flake food.

As fry grow feeding should increase as should water changes.

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