Cat-eLog Right Catfish Common Names Right Common Names Right J

This list shows all catfish common names beginning with the letter J.

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1. Jacareacanga Pleco (i: 1, k: 1)
2. Jacuhy Pleco (i: 2, k: 2)
3. Jacuhy-sugemalle (i: 2, k: 2)
4. Jaguar Candiru (i: 8, k: 5)
5. Jaguar Catfish (i: 26, k: 89)
6. Jaguar Cory (i: 3, k: 5)
7. Jaguar Dolphin Catfish (i: 23, k: 23)
8. Jaguar Mud-catfish (i: 5, k: 1)
9. Jaguar Pleco (i: 6, k: 1)
10. Jaguar Squeaker (i: 15, k: 24)
11. Jaguaribe PlecoHypostomus sp. (LDA096) (i: 0, k: 0)
12. Jaguribe Pleco (i: 22, k: 2)
13. Jamanxim Bristlenose (i: 6, k: 2)
14. Jamanxim Snowball Pleco (i: 1, k: 2)
15. James Bond Cory (i: 3, k: 8)
16. Jamuna Ailia (i: 3, k: 1)
17. Janitor Fish (i: 30, k: 367)
18. Japanese Catfish (i: 8, k: 6)
19. Jar Jar Pleco (i: 3, k: 3)
20. Jari Blue Ancistrus (i: 8, k: 21)
21. Jari Zebra Pleco (i: 31, k: 35)
22. Jatapu Angel Pleco (i: 2, k: 1)
23. Jatupu Angel Pleco (i: 2, k: 3)
24. Jatupu Cactus Pleco (i: 6, k: 12)
25. Jatupu Toad Pleco (i: 1, k: 1)
26. Jau (i: 2, k: 1)
27. Jauaru Rubbernose (i: 1, k: 2)
28. Jauaru Toad Pleco (i: 1, k: 1)
29. Jauperi Stream Pleco (i: 5, k: 0)
30. Jegu's Rubbernose Pleco (i: 2, k: 1)
31. Jello Band Catfish (i: 18, k: 12)
32. Jello Catfish (i: 21, k: 19)
33. Jelly Catfish (i: 10, k: 4)
34. Jelly Catfish (i: 21, k: 19)
35. Jelly Catfish (i: 8, k: 7)
36. Jelly Catfish (i: 4, k: 1)
37. Jerdon's Mystus (i: 9, k: 2)
38. Johanna Cory (i: 13, k: 14)
39. Julii Cory (i: 6, k: 166)
40. Julli Cory (i: 6, k: 166)
41. Juma Bristlenose (i: 2, k: 1)
42. Juruena OtoOtocinclus juruenae (i: 0, k: 1)
43. Juruena-dværgsugemalleOtocinclus juruenae (i: 0, k: 1)