Cat-eLog Right Loricariidae Right Hypostominae Right The genus Panaque

Down Summary of panaque
Pronounced pan ah KAY.
Etymology The generic epithet "panaque" is a Venezuelan common name for this fish.
Identification The genus Panaque is identified by the teeth, which are spoon-shaped. This means that the teeth are noticeably wider at the tip than at the base. Other loricariidae have teeth that are similar width all the way from one end to the other. A second distinguishing feature is the lack of a buccal papilla, which is a "flap of skin" on the inside of the mouth. See pictures in this PDF on Pterygoplichthys.
Feeding All Panaque appear to feed on wood, so wood should be present in the tank. They also take prepared algae wafers and fresh vegetables (zucchini, cucumber, peas, green beans) and tubers (potato, yams and similar).
Compatibility Generally peaceful, but may defend their territory against conspecifics.
Furniture Natural habitat is among fallen trees and wood-tangles.
Size Smallest 278mm, largest 600mm, average 400mm, most commonly 400mm. All SL.
Species There are 18 "species" in the database
Keepers 18 species (100%) are being kept by registered keepers
New spp. / time
1750 1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 

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1. (33.4%)
2. (20.23%)
3. (11.41%)
4. (8.4%)
5. (5.39%)
6. (5.39%)
7. (4.46%)
8. (3.11%)
9. (2.59%)
10. (1.45%)
11. (1.04%)
Down Genus Thumbnails