Cat-eLog Right Loricariidae Right Loricariinae Right The genus Crossoloricaria

Down Summary of crossoloricaria
Etymology (Greek)Krossoi=tassel + (Latin)lorica, loricare=cuirass of corslet of leather (a suit of armour made of leather).
Identification Based on Isbrücker (1979) and Covain et al. (2016), Crossoloricaria is similar to Pseudohemiodon but is distinguished by having one or two longitudinal rows of small dermal plates along the midline of the abdomen, with the lateral abdominal skin bare out to the thoracic scutes. Crossoloricaria is a strictly trans-Andean genus; cis-Andean species previously included in Crossoloricaria have been reclassified in Rhadinoloricaria, but may represent a new genus.
Size Smallest 109mm, largest 265mm, average 185mm, most commonly 183mm. All SL.
Species There are 3 "species" in the database
Keepers 3 species (100%) are being kept by registered keepers
New spp. / time
1750 1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 

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2. (40%)
3. (20%)
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