Cat-eLog Right Auchenipteridae Right Auchenipterinae Right The genus Tympanopleura

Down Summary of tympanopleura
Etymology Transliterated from the Greek tympanon, meaning drum, and pleura, meaning side or rib (pleuron), nouns in apposition, in reference to the pseudotympanum.
Identification Both Tympanopleura and Ageneiosus do not have obvious, permanent barbles. The two genera can be externally distinguished in that Tympanopleura has a prominent pseudotympanum consisting of an area on the side of the body devoid of epaxial musculature where the gas bladder contacts the internal coelomic wall; are shorter, blunter headed without greatly elongated jaws; and have a smaller adult body size.
Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Size Smallest 48mm, largest 160mm, average 104mm, most commonly 48mm. All SL.
Species There are 8 "species" in the database
Keepers 8 species (100%) are being kept by registered keepers
New spp. / time
1750 1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 

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1. (47.37%)
2. (15.79%)
3. (10.53%)
4. (5.26%)
5. (5.26%)
6. (5.26%)
7. (5.26%)
8. (5.26%)
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