Cat-eLog Right Doradidae Right Doradinae Right The genus Anadoras

Down Summary of anadoras
Etymology Anadoras: From the Greek ana, meaning again, and doras, meaning skin (also a word commonly used in forming generic names for doradids);
Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Size Smallest 110mm, largest 120mm, average 114mm, most commonly 114mm. All SL.
Species There are 5 "species" in the database
Keepers 4 species (80%) are being kept by registered keepers
New spp. / time
1750 1770 1790 1810 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 

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Down Most Kept Species
1. (61.54%)
2. (23.08%)
3. Anadoras sp. `ARAGUAIA` (7.69%)
4. Anadoras insculptus (7.69%)
Down Genus Thumbnails